A Trajectory
for Trust.

Help us plan the future of Escambia Children’s Trust

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Letter from the Chair

To guarantee the future of our community, we must start with our children.

We are pleased to present the 2024-2027 Strategic Plan for Escambia Children’s Trust. We have titled this plan, Greater Opportunities. Better Lives., to reflect the vision and our commitment to the children of our community. This statement sums up what this is all about and provides a singular focus for our destination. The following plan is our roadmap for getting there.

This strategic plan was shaped by a research and planning process which spanned a year and engaged a cross section of stakeholders in Escambia County. It builds on the foundations of what has been achieved since receiving voter approval in 2020 and reflects the hopes and aspirations of the citizens of this community–pushing us forward to the future we envision.
We are grateful for the community members, civic and business leaders, and Escambia Children’s Trust staff and Board Members who contributed to this report.

The following six areas of strategic focus will serve as our guideposts:

1. Unified Leadership. We will work collaboratively at all levels of leadership to demonstrate unified support for advancing the mission and values of the organization.

2. High Quality Outcomes for All Children. We will direct efforts and funding toward measurable outcomes that close opportunity gaps.

3. Continuous Learning & Improvement. We will embrace a multi-faceted approach to driving organizational learning and continuous improvement.

4. Community Education & Coordination. We will support the convening, connection and capacity-building of high-quality children’s programs and services.

5. Operational Excellence. We will support performance tied to organizational growth and development.

6. Public Engagement and Advocacy. We will build a community of advocates through effective communications and storytelling.

After reading this plan, we hope you are as optimistic as we are about the evolution of Escambia Children’s Trust and the future we are building for the children of our community.

Our children are depending on us.

Failure is not an option.

Tammy Greer
Executive Director
Escambia Children's Trust
Tori Woods' Signature

Tori Woods
Escambia Children's Trust Board Chair

Tammy Greer

Executive Director, Escambia Children's Trust

Render Image of the Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

Click to download Escambia Children's Trust's
2024-2027 Strategic Plan PDF document.

Download PDF

Board Members

Tori Woods


David Williams

Vice Chair

David Peaden


Keith Leonard

Stephanie White

Commissioner Lumon May

Dr. Rex Northup

Honorable R. Todd Harris

Tina Cain

Working together to make our children’s lives better.



Engaging the Community to Help Guide Our Future

A united community contributes to the successful development of all children. As we continue to define our three year strategic plan, Escambia Children’s Trust has engaged our community in a series of conversations to give all voices an opportunity to contribute to this process and be heard. With a stakeholder dialogue featuring many civic, business and nonprofit leaders, followed by a series of community town halls across the county, we have heard from many diverse perspectives. 

Our next step is to analyze all of the data and to write the three year strategic plan for approval by the board. Thank you for your support as we continue this journey to improve the lives of all children in Escambia County.

Tammy Greer
Executive Director
Escambia Children's Trust


Name of the theme. Celebrating Our Past. Designing Our Future. Together.

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Stakeholders solving a puzzle.
Town Hall members discussing topics.
Town Hall members reporting out topics to Mona.
Town Hall members discussing topics.


ETC Stakeholder Dialogue Session August 1, 2023

Have Questions?

Tori Woods

Board Chair, Escambia Children's Trust

Send Inquiries

About the Process

The goal of this initiative is to position Escambia Children’s Trust for success by clarifying our intentions and then developing a plan to translate those aspirations into action.

To do this, we will first engage Escambia County’s leaders, residents and other key stakeholder groups around foundational questions tied to the Trust’s identity. We will then work together to identify opportunities that will fuel our success over the next three years as we strive toward our collective vision.

The areas of strategic focus that emerge from this process will be based on rigorous analysis of data gathered from the following sources:

I. Dialogue Sessions

Input from representative sample of internal and external stakeholders

II. Contextual Research

Local context and best practices from other communities

III. Town Hall Meetings

Input from communities across the County

IV. Online Survey

Online input from the wider community

Our team of researchers and strategists will analyze and synthesize all of this data and make recommendations that will shape the final strategic plan. Once this plan is complete, we will share it with the community. This landing page will be updated regularly as we move through this process.


Keep scrolling to see the milestones.


Leadership Dialogue

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Leadership Dialogue Findings Presentation

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Stakeholder Dialogue & Town Hall Meetings

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Combined Findings & Above-the-Line Strategy

Board Interviews

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Final Presentation of Strategic Plan

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Have Questions?

Tammy Greer

Executive Director, Escambia Children's Trust

Send Inquiries